Zen Educate
San Diego, CA, USA
Why Zen? At Zen Educate, we revolutionize the way educators find their perfect roles in education. The Problem Traditional recruitment agencies often pay educators low wages while charging schools exorbitant fees, making it challenging for schools to allocate resources where they are needed most—back to supporting the students! The Zen Educate Solution Zen Educate is a new kind of agency with 8 years of experience in several states across the US and UK. We aim to return money to the classroom by providing educators with fair and transparent pay. By leveraging our innovative platform (think Uber for teachers), we simplify the process of finding your ideal placement in a school or district. Fair Pay for Educators Lower Costs for Schools Personalized Support & Free Training Making a Difference Benefits Join our training sessions and professional development opportunities to stay updated on the latest in special education and behavioral support....